
Who is this guy? Well for starters, being 5 years my senior you have guided my life's direction even though it didn't start out that way. I remember the days when I was a little kid half your size thinking I could take you in any fight, but the next thing I knew I was flat on my back on the floor of our living room with you sitting on top of my stomach with your knees on my biceps (ouch!) to prevent me from punching you. Overestimated my strength and abilities I guess. A lot has happened since those days of fighting as your "wisdom" has directed my path of life. The first advice I remembered you telling me was to get braces early. "Don't wait 'til you're too old like me", you advised at the ripe old age of 17. I guess I took it seriously 'cuz the next thing I remembered, I was a brace-face metal-mouth kid. I recall thinking that if anyone teased me, I'd kick their ... uh, never mind (it must have been all those push-ups Henry made me do). Anyway, my current occupation and growth was attributed much to your advice and our arguments and discussions on life (even though we had major philosophical differences). To be fair, I have gained and learned through all of my family members. The boxing and martial arts competitions, the chess matches for nickels and dimes and then soon enough dollars, the battles in RISK (poor dices that got slammed against the wall too many times for rolling 'ones' instead of 'sixes'), the brains, and the brawn all contributed to my livelihood, not to mention my hidden soft side (is there really one at all?) probably derived from my sisters. But overall, I must say you have supported me even to the day we (along with your VERY significant other who always said, "you're sooo stupiddd!") went shopping for that elusive, classy diamond ring that brought me one step closer to eternal happiness. Gee, do I still owe you money for that Cubic Zirconium? Here's to you! Thanks a lot, I'll never forget what you've done for me.


Ayyyyy, whaddup, homie? Dude, what can I say to the guy who never pre-judges people and is always the nice guy? - the one who helps me out when I need it and gets chewed out for nagging at me for not refilling the toilet paper on the holder. The long talks on life and family - what does it all mean? What's important? The times I made a joke and you couldn't get it- you sure have the most classic looks of FRUSTRATION that I've ever seen when you couldn't understand a joke or riddle. No one falls asleep more during a conversation (or movie) than you. But we all know what keeps Eddie up and awake . . . hmmm, let's ponder that for a moment... And how about all those times you flaked on me? Or the time we drove up the California and Oregon coast so fast that we missed every beach along the way? Well dude, I can honestly say that despite the above unmentionables, you have been there for me- not once have you misplaced my TRUST in you. And you know that means a LOT to me. Those nights we spent talking about our personal development psychology class and the friendships that we gained from it are definitely special moments. Even now with your significant other (whaa whaa), I still have the greatest of times hanging out with you. We have a special relationship that when it comes down to it, we're like brothers! True brothers. I have been able to rely on you when I had to 'let it out' and you listened. Thanks a million, dude- true friendship and brotherhood last a lifetime.


Man, I remember that first time Ed pointed you out to me (as Tom's cousin) in the Quad area at Delta Tech (UBG, UNG-a.k.a. university by Gemco or university near Gemco) and I turned and saw a guy smiling it up like life was a big happy fun time. As you know already, I also remember wanting to wipe that goofy smile off your face by... never mind. I guess the 'southside' was still a big part of me back then- you know, the "don't mess with me or I'll kick your..." attitude- not that you were messing with me in any case. But then I ran into you at the Cal Poly dorms and who'd a thought that I'd be spending most of my college life screwing around shooting pool, playing videogames, and just goofing off every second we had free-which was most of the time since we never studied much even during our all nighters where we discussed things like the theory of space and time and any other topic which we could thing of so as to NOT study. And remember the time I stayed up all night with you so that you wouldn't go to sleep and miss your lab class for the umpteen time?!- and when the sun came up and it was time to go to class you went back to your dorm room and slept? Man, whaddup with that? Remember the nicknames I gave you?. . . Jawbreaker Tse, Camel knees, The baby face with the "I can't hurt a fly" look. Boooyyy, what about that smug look on your face when you kicked my butt in pool?- The same one I always vowed to pay back tenfold when we played again. Okay enough of the caps already (as you're probably saying). Well dude, I can tell you this- I had a blast! No one spent more time with me goofing off and partying it up everyday than you. If you weren't there to shoot pool after every dinner (I'll pay for all this I'm sure), do all-nighters shooting the breeze (with an occasional break for studying), hang out, and just have a good time, I don't know if my college experience would have been the same (at least not as enjoyable and memorable). I did come to the realization that you are indeed a COOL guy who helps out his friends (without any reservations whatsoever), smiles the smile, and laughs the laugh. I think that guys like you come one in a million and I'll never wipe that smile off your face 'cuz you really deserve it. You wouldn't be you without that smile. You have helped me time and AGAIN (and you still help me with this damn computer stuff), and I REALLY appreciate all your efforts and care (it must run in your family). Let me know whenever you need anything, cuz I'll be there for you too! You are also like a brother to me and not just fraternally. Thanks for all those great times and more great times to come.


Okay Mike, you're probably saying, "oh sh--, here it comes!" Well you're right! Man, I don't know of anyone with more hilarious memories than the ones with you- like the salt and pepper shakers you lifted up with your two hands to move them out of the way cuz you thought the waitress was walking over to bring your food only to realize that it was for the table behind us. And what about the time you almost ran over those two California Highway Patrol Officers on the Bay Bridge and all you got was a warning about your hood ornament -"it ain't like it's a machine gun!!!" What about the time in our Oriental Philosophy class when you wanted to finish off your roll of film so badly that while the good Dr. G was lecturing, you decided to click the camera button and then all of the sudden-whirrrrrrrllllllllll, whirrrrrrllllllllll- the automatic rewinder engaged and the whole class laughed at you. Dude, I'm balling! You were always right though- I'll never let you live it down especially now that it's online (don't pay me back, pleeeeeeez?). All in all though, you have been there for me for those many years of Delta days from the "Solid" DJing, the lunches and dinners with Peter, and the partying. The fact that we still hang out is a testament to our LIFELONG friendship! I envision us all getting old together and still hanging out (loitering) in parking lots in the wee hours of the night (or morning, depending on how you look at it). It's been a blast and it will be even better in our old cranky age. Heck, maybe, we'll even be professional disc jockeys before too long, huh? Or photographers. Many thanks to you for being there when I needed you. Even though you are not my fraternal brother, you too are like a brother to me.


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Artist (page 2)